Learn to name your family in 5 different languages!
May 15 is the day the world celebrates the International Day of Families, marking this date as a great occasion to remember why your family is important to you and to make them feel valued and loved.

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In addition to your mother, father, brother, and sister, there are dozens of other family members whom you can celebrate. And if you love languages, then why not impress them by speaking to them using some foreign linguistics? Discover how to name not only your immediate family but also distant relatives in popular languages, such as Spanish, Italian, German, and Mandarin. We’ll even teach you how to say something about them by using phrasal verbs and adjectives. Let’s go!
The table below features how to name your immediate and extended family in 5 different languages:
Definition | English | Spanish | German | Italian | Portuguese |
The children of your aunts and uncles. |
Cousins |
Primos/primas |
Cousins |
Cugini |
Primos/primas |
Your siblings’ daughter/son. |
Niece/nephew | Sobrino/Sobrina | Neffen | Nipote | Sobrinho/Sobrinha |
If you have children, their sons and daughters will be your grandchildren.
Grandchildren | Nietos | Enkelkinder | Nipotes | Netos |
The parents of your parents. |
Grandparents | Abuelos |
Nonni | Avós |
Your partner (husband or wife). |
Spouse | Cónyuge |
Collective word for brothers and sisters. |
Siblings | Hermanos |
Confratelli |
Your parents’ sister/brother. |
Aunt/Uncle |
Tía/Tío |
Tante |
Zia/Zio |
Tia/Tio |
Some other nouns
Immediate family: The people who live with you (husband/wife and children; parents and siblings).
- Spanish: familia cercana.
- German: unmittelbaren Familie.
- Italian: famiglia immediata.
- Portuguese: Família imediata
Extended family: The family members beyond your immediate or nuclear family, such as your aunts, cousins, grandparents, etc.
- Spanish: familia lejana.
- German: entfernte Familie
- Italian: famiglia lontana.
- Portuguese: família grande.
In-laws: The relatives of your partner. For example, your spouse’s father will be your father-in-law, their mother is your mother-in-law, and so on.
- Spanish: familia política (suegro, suegra).
- German: erweiterter Familienkreis
- Italian: famiglia politica (suocero, suocera)
- Portuguese: familia política (sogro, sogra).
Here is also a list of positive and negative adjectives you can use to describe your family members:
English | Spanish | German | Italian | Portuguese |
Loyal | Leal | Treu | Leale | Fiel |
Generous | Generoso | Großzügig | Generoso | Generoso |
Frank | Franco | Ehrlich | Franco | Honesto |
Friendly | Amigable | Freundlich | Amichevole | Amigáveis |
Independent | Independiente | Unabhängig | Indipendente | Independente |
Boring | Aburrido | Langweilig | Noioso | Entediante |
Careless | Descuidado | Leichtsinnig | Negligente | Descuidado |
Jealous | Celoso | Eifersüchtig | Geloso | Com Ciumes |
Selfish | Egoísta | Egoistisch | Egoista | Egoísta |
Phrasal verbs in Spanish
Want to know a bit more of Spanish? Learn more about useful verbs to talk about your family and describe your relationship with your relatives:
- Bring someone up: criar.
Example: mi mamá crió 2 hijos.
- Be named after: nombrar.
Example: Me nombraron José por mi papá.
- Grow apart: Alejarse.
Example: Después de una pelea, nos alejamos.
- Get along with somebody: llevarse bien.
Example: Me llevo bien con mi papá, tenemos muchas cosas en común.
- Look after: Cuidar.
Example: Siempre cuido a mi abuela, está enferma.
- Tell off:
Example: Mi papá me reta cuando no lavo los platos.
- Split up: separarse.
Example: Mis padres se separaron después de una discusión.