- Like Rain and Music
- Released in: 1986
Hyun-shik Kim sings of how rainy it was the night his lover left him, and of how, every night it rains, he cannot help but think of that previous night and end up wallowing the day away in sadness.
Hyun-shik Kim sings of how rainy it was the night his lover left him, and of how, every night it rains, he cannot help but think of that previous night and end up wallowing the day away in sadness.
“비처럼 음악처럼 / Bichuhrum Eumakchuhrum” (Like Rain and Music) by 김현식 (Hyun-shik Kim) is the title song of the 1986 album of the same name, released by 다날 (Danal) Entertainment. Hyun-shik Kim was a rock singer, though “Like Rain and Music” can be classified as a soft-rock ballad. Mr. Kim sings of how rainy it was the night his lover left him, and of how, every night it rains, he cannot help but think of that previous night and end up wallowing the day away in sadness. The rain is described as “아픈” (painful) and “흐르는” (flowing), suggesting tears flowing from a broken man’s heartache. All this rain imagery splendidly blends in with the mid tempo piano and guitar in the background, creating a simple but romantic song. Though Hyun-shik Kim passed away in 1990, his legacy lives on through this song, which many have covered.
Honorifics play a major role in conveying Hyun-shik Kim’s feelings towards his former lover. By using the “~요” form of speech while referring to his ex, Mr. Kim shows respect towards the person he is addressing or towards his former love. At the same time, he is trying to distance himself from her. No matter the age difference (or lack of thereof) in Korea, the custom is that honorifics are dropped as two people grow closer and closer in a relationship. As memories of his past lover drift further and further away, Hyun-shik Kim expresses a mellow sense of finality through honorifics.
Another major device used by Hyun-shik Kim is wordplay or puns. There are three things described as “흐르는” (flowing) in this song: rain, music, and tears. These things blur together in the lyrics, making audiences feel as if the song itself were washing over them like water. The percussion adds a refreshing sound to the lyrics, solidifying the flowing imagery, while the piano smooths everything over. Perhaps this is why the song sounds so refreshing, despite its hopelessly romantic and moping message.
Since there are no cultural or historical references in this song, any person from any culture or nationality can enjoy it and its lyrics, as long as they can understand Korean. Beginner to Intermediate Korean language students could even learn the words used in this song, as they are employed in daily life. For example, “비가 왔어요” is a useful but simple phrase for describing the weather, while “생각해요” (I think) is also employed quite often. For those who enjoy rock ballads, this is a great musical choice, even if they cannot fully understand the lyrics. Those looking to get a general feel for the Korean music scene must also listen to this song. Hyun-shik Kim is considered a legend in Korea, as is this track, so give it a listen!