- Dear Hee
- Released in: 1986
This simple tune made the band famous back in the 80s, and it especially garnered the adoration of female fans, since the lyrics addressed an average Korean woman.
This simple tune made the band famous back in the 80s, and it especially garnered the adoration of female fans, since the lyrics addressed an average Korean woman.
“희야 / Heeya” (Dear Hee) is a rock song released in 1986 by Loen Entertainment and originally performed by the band부활 / Boo-hwal (Resurrection). This simple tune made the band famous back in the 80s, and it especially garnered the adoration of female fans, since the lyrics addressed a random “희.” In Korea, this simple syllable can be used to address an average woman – like a Korean version of Jane Doe – since there are so many female names that end in “희.” Since its first appearance, this rock number has been covered many times by different artists, from ballad crooners to K-pop idols.
The lyrics transcribe a man’s desperate words as he tries to persuade his former lover to come back. Perhaps, this song played a role in shaping the mental image now suggested by “희.” This typical female name is mentioned repeatedly and the girl is described as being meek and innocent. Even though she “좋아했어 / Joahetsuh” (liked) the man, she left him quietly and without a fight. The only detail specified about her looks is that she had a “하얀 얼굴 / Hayan Ulgool” (white, milky face). In Western countries, people with such white, pale faces might be considered “doughy” or “sickly,” but in Asian countries – and especially in Korea – those with very white faces are thought beautiful. In the case of the song, the girl’s white face adds to her purity. The lyrics describe a night setting – “밤마다 꿈속에 남아 아직도 너를 그리네” (I draw you in my dreams every night) – and her whiteness seems even more striking against the black background.
Many say that the magic of this song is in the simplicity of its lyrics. Nowadays, Korean music is speckled with English words, which are added whether or not they fit or make grammatical sense. However, “Dear Hee” features simple lyrics without fancifulness or English intrusions. So, it is loved for its “담백함 / Dam-baekham,” a term that can describe bland taste but which can also express that something is appealing even though it does not put on any airs. Another reason why this song became so popular is that not many Koreans would have the audacity, if you will, to be so direct in communicating with another. Perhaps this is why everyone thought this song was so “시원하다” / Shiwon-hada,” which can mean “cooling” or “refreshing.” Anyone with a basic knowledge of Korean can enjoy this track, and even those who don’t understand the lyrics can just listen to the amazing guitar solo!