American English Primary Colors 3
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  • American English Primary Colors 3
  • Diane Hicks & Andrew Littlejohn
  • Published by: Cambridge
  • Level: Beginner
  • First Published in: 2005

American English Primary Colors 3 keeps young learners’ focus and interest; it’s the perfect book for the child who lived abroad and is working on their English upon returning home.

REVIEW BY Chris Saldana Book EXPERT
Review posted: 13/04/2014
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Finding textbooks for young children is always a challenge because as years go by, their interests change and their focus level may get lower and lower. Thankfully, American English Primary Colors 3 maintains young learners’ focus and interest; it’s the perfect book for the child who lived abroad and is working on their English upon returning home.


The American English Primary Colors text is made for young learners with a strong level of English from having lived in an English speaking country. The books are somewhat of a mix of an English book, science book, and comic and this helps capture young learners’ attention. This book is made for children around the ages of 5-10 and it focuses on grammar and vocabulary related to that age level. Each unit focuses on activities related to verb tenses, possessions, adverbs of frequency and more. Like all American English Primary books, this book is somewhat thin at around 64 pages with a workbook with the same number of pages.

"A great book that students and teachers will enjoy because it’s both fun and educational which is very important when teaching young learners."

It might be lacking in material but it might work well for teachers who want to use it to complement the activities in their own lesson plan. Along with the grammar activities the book follows the story of 4 kids and a character known as King Cat . In each chapter King Cat takes the 4 children on his “ Adventure Car”, which takes them to jungles, mountains, outer space and other places. Throughout the 6 units and sub-units, many topics are covered from animals to geography so lots of fun information is presented to the student. The book also includes many craft activities where students will make masks and puppets which relate to the story and the exercises in the book. The review games at the end of every two units are enjoyable and so is the workbook, which has even more fun exercises and images kids will like doing.


•Very colorful and appealing to young students. The drawings, pictures and layout will intrigue students and keep their focus.

•The workbook is fun and not very tedious.

•Review section has some good partner activities that encourage kids to work together.


•Like other books in this series, the songs are sometimes lacking in quality and kids may get bored with the music activities.

•The book is very short so supplemental material is necessary at times.

Recommended For:

•Young students who lived abroad and whose parents want them to improve/retain their English skills.

•Classrooms of at least eight students since the book offers many group activities to work on.

Overall, American English Primary Colors 3 is a great book that students and teachers will enjoy because it’s both fun and educational which is very important when teaching young learners. Even though it’s a little flimsy, the book still packs a lot in it and when combined with some original material it makes a great educational tool.



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