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Language Trainers
Brazilian Portuguese in Montreal, CAN Brazilian Portuguese in New York, USA More...
Differences between European and Brazilian Portuguese
- In Brazilian Portuguese, the second-person verb form is rarely used.

- BP and EP differ in pronunciation.

- In BP, word order is more flexible.

- A few spelling variations
Useful Expressions in Brazilian

Good morning : Bom dia (bong jee-ah)

My name is : Meu nome é ... (meyoo nomay ey)

Do you speak English? : Fala inglês?

Fun Facts about Brazil
- The world's biggest rainforest, the Amazon, is located in Brazil.

- Brazil is the only Portuguese speaking country in the Americas.

- Every Brazilian city has at least one soccer stadium
Proverbs of the week
French: "À mauvais ouvrier point de bon outil." A bad craftsman blames his tools.
Portuguese: "Antes só do que mal acompanhado." It's better to be alone than in bad company.
Italian: "A carne di lupo, zanne di cane." You must meet roughness with roughness.
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Word of the Day - Oct 30,12
FRUMPY (adjective):
Unkempt, or unfashionable.
Word of the Day - Oct 29,12
VULNERARY (adjective):
Useful or used for healing wounds.
Word of the Day - Oct 26,12
MONIKER (noun):
A nickname or personal name for somebody.
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Practicing 20 languages at 16 years old: another hyper-polyglot video
Here's another hyper-polyglot – Timothy Doner, a 16-year-old American who currently speaks around 20 languages. The variety of languages is incredible, ranging from more ‘standard' languages such as French, Dutch and Italian, to Middle Eastern and Asian languages like Farsi, Arabic, Yiddish, Hebrew, Mandarin, all the way to African languages such as Xhosa, Ojibwe, and Swahili! Languages from almost every continent is featured in his repertoire... View the Video
Using your language skills to make foolproof passwords
Making a strong password is not difficult, and requires only a tiny bit more effort. A password that is easy to remember doesn't necessarily have to be easy to guess. Language learners can use words from several languages in order to confuse brute-force hacking efforts, which use a dictionary to try every word or every combination of numbers until they gain access... Read More
5,000 year old writing system may finally be decoded
Scholars at Oxford University working on an ancient writing system called "proto-Elamite" may have finally unlocked the secret to deciphering it, thanks to a breakthrough in technology that allows academics to view the inscriptions more clearly than they were previously capable of doing... Read More
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